Multihulls World n° 174


N° 174 – Novembre / December 2020

Minicat 420 .....................................80
Isla 40 ............................................84
Arrow 1360 .....................................92
Andaman 50 ....................................96
Explocat 52.....................................102

Why not go racing?.........................30

Destination: Croatia .....................................48
Invitation: Namibia.......................................56
Lockdown in Indonesia.................................62
Cruising the Keys.........................................66

Circumnavigating as a child, by Jonathan...........................58

Multihull basics: Optimize your multihull ...........................32
Diagnosis: Bilge pumps................................................... 76

The photographer’s Eye ..............................6
News from the pontoons............................13
Shipyard visit: Windelo ............................. 72
Second-hand: Tobago 35..........................108
Classified ads...........................................114
Who’s who: Franck Bauguil.......................122

Long live youth!

Our jobs here at the magazine as journalists and photographers are clearly occupied by an ageing staff. But is long experience of the profession really indispensable to give the reader all the details of all the new multihulls during their first runs? We have every right to doubt that: the day they started, these men and women were evidently a lot younger - or certainly less old... And at a time when the question of passing on knowledge and experience is being asked, we have to admit that we’re not being overwhelmed by spontaneous applications from those who’ve barely just printed their CVs... Fortunately, at Multihulls World, we have Jonathan. Only 22 years old, an atypical young adventurer’s career path, a mad talent as a photographer, a writing style that asserts itself month after month... In this edition, he signs his usual columns, tells us his seafaring backstory and has just written his very first boat test - with a magnificent cover photo as a bonus. Of course, Jonathan probably likes sailing and traveling too much to spend ten hours a day in front of his computer - we probably won’t have a “Jonathan special” in every forthcoming issue... Enjoy reading!

Emmanuel van Deth / Editor in Chief


What might be…

2020, although not yet over - and may still have other surprises in store for us - will have been very difficult to bear. Pandemics, lockdown, ports closed, bans on sailing, racing and boat shows cancelled: the litany of bad news seems endless! However, the shipyards have come up with many superb new boats that we should have been appreciating at the fall boat shows... But, you, like us, won’t have had the chance to visit them “in the flesh”! Fortunately, nothing stops the Multihulls World team, and especially not a pandemic! Listening only to their courage, our journalists haven’t hesitated to brave all the dangers to go sailing aboard all these catamarans and trimarans in order to present them to you and to make the most complete tests possible - and very soon accompanied by videos. To be discovered in this issue of your favorite magazine as well as in future editions. Healthy reading that will largely occupy your free time in the immediate future and will hopefully give you the desire to set off and sail around the world, far from the current turmoil. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and… Fair winds,

Gerbert Rambaud – Managing Director of Jours de Passions
Jean-Christophe Guillaumin – Captain of Multihulls World

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