Issue #: 173
Published: September / October 2020
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Issue #: 173
Published: September / October 2020
N° 173 – September / October 2020
Bali Catspace
Sunreef 50
Privilège 510 Signature
Lagoon SIXTY 5
HammerCat 35
Designing a multihull
Readers’ spot: Mont-Saint-Michel
Southern Thailand
Multihull basics: Coming off the dock under motor
Match: Lead-acid batteries vs lithium
The photographer’s eye
News from the pontoons
Second-hand: Corsair F-31
Classified ads
Who’s who: Rafael Nadal
Multihulls, the big winners in the crisis?
We’re not going to lie about it: 2020 hasn’t been easy for anyone - including boaters. On the industry side, some yards have been reducing sail area, while charter companies are vying with each other in terms of imagination, offering boats that are accessible as close as possible to home for their charterers. But should we be summing up the crisis in the boating industry with this rather gloomy picture? Not really, judging by the number of new boats announced for 2021. Never before have we received so many announcements from naval architects and boatbuilders. Dismountable multihulls that you carry on your car’s roof-rack, compact powercats with outboards or electric motors, carbon racing machines, all-comfort catamarans, aluminum blue water cruisers, luxurious multiyachts: there is something for every budget and every program. Even more encouraging: manufacturers are taking orders off plan, at the height of this global slump. And you, the readers, have never been so numerous. So, are multihulls THE best boating solution?
Enjoy reading,
Emmanuel van Deth / Editor in chief
A New World
Mankind, sometimes confined to his home for many weeks, has been having plenty of time to imagine the world of tomorrow. We all dreamed of it: a new world, more ecological, more humane, open to others and where it would be good to live. No more excessive consumption, no more hours spent in traffic jams or on public transport, no more economic disasters, no more annihilation of our resources with no regard for the future of our children... In short, humans were becoming... long-distance sailors. For what the readers and journalists of Multihulls World have demonstrated for more than 30 years by sharing their voyages around the world in our columns is their incredible assimilation into the world around them. Today’s sailor always cares about other sailors and doesn’t hesitate to help them, even if he has to take risks. However, he is not a gentle utopian who’s remained stuck in the 1970s: he dares to take his food from the sea, but stops when his freezer is full, and at each stopover he tries to discover the world around him, while being self-sufficient in energy... So, is today’s sailor building the world of tomorrow?
Gerbert Rambaud – Managing Director of Jours de Passions
Jean-Christophe Guillaumin – Captain of Multihulls World
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